Monday, January 14, 2013

time to stand up for common sense

I think I'll take my shot at this blog stuff. This page may be offensive to some and most might not understand the whole common sense thing. This will be devoted to my own use of reason and logic. Any feedback will be welcomed! Albeit possibly ignored, but welcome. In this I hope to shed a bit of light on topics that are very simple yet still evade even the highest educated. Keep in mind that I am just an average guy. I have been across the country working in professions from upper management down to lowly laborer. You may wonder, why now? Why start a blog when you aren't tech savvy, don't have a degree, and you just work for yourself? I seem to have this weird ability to apply logic in almost any part of my life... Women escape me, but that's another day! I feel as though someone should stand up and say something that makes sense. Speak directly, and to the point. I'm tired of being put on the ropes by those that mean to limit my freedoms, impose their personal views, and forsake any and all others in order to push their own agenda. Its time that the people with sense and respect start to come forth and stand up for what used to be great about this country. Stop being bullied by whining and entitled masses who believe they are owed. And most of all, try to shed a non bias and open light on subjects and stop pointing fingers. I am deeply saddened about the way things are and how our lives are being stripped. I will stand up for what's right instead of complaining when it doesn't go the way it should. This is not a site for conspiracy, or blame. Simply just my voice offering common sense, reason, and logic to the topics that have lead so many astray, and to show the respect that all free Americans deserve.